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Marlborough Primary School

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Ethos & Values



Our vision is to be an excellent school where all of our children, families and staff are empowered, valued and believe they can achieve. Children take responsibility for their learning, showing curiosity, resilience and grit to succeed. Their learning and well-being is at the heart of everything we do to ensure all of our children leave Marlborough Primary School as confident, active citizens with a strong growth mindset ready for the next stage in their education.

Core Values


At Marlborough Primary School we respect ourselves, others and our school.  We respect the views of everyone appreciating other people’s wishes, feelings and rights.  We always treat others how we would like to be treated.


We are an inclusive school; everyone has equal opportunities regardless of their background or disadvantage.  Everyone is treated fairly.  We ensure everyone is welcome at our school, accept differences and promote fundamental British values.  We have a strong growth mindset to secure success.


At Marlborough Primary School we are capable of anything.  We are empowered, confident and show perseverance in order to achieve our goals.  When faced with challenges we show resilience.  We have the freedom to learn from mistakes, taking risks and finding creative solutions to problems.  We believe in ourselves, in our own abilities and have high aspirations.

Our School Aims

Below is a list of the aims that the school has prioritised to help us achieve our vision.

School Aims:

1.Pupil’s Progress –

Achievement and Standards

We want to create a school:

  • Which has high standards of achievement across the curriculum
  • In which all lessons taught are good or better
  • Where children achieve well in Reading, Writing and Maths compared to National expectations
  • Which challenges all children to succeed and achieve their best; unlocking their potential
  • Which motivates and inspires the children to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding through a broad and balanced curriculum

2.Pupil’s Personal Qualities –

Personal Development and Wellbeing

We want to create a school in which children:

  • Are happy and safe
  • Demonstrate behaviour and standards we are proud of
  • Are independent in their learning
  • Begin the journey of lifelong learners
  • Promote respect for themselves, others and the environment
  • Develop enquiring minds and a spirit of curiosity
  • Are confident to take risks
  • Are resilient
  • Persevere and are determined to succeed

3.Resource management –  Quality of Provision

We aim to create a school:

  • Which makes the most of the local environment in children’s learning
  • Which achieves value for money
  • Where children are prepared for life in modern Britain
  • Where children are exposed to a wide range of experiences which have an impact on their knowledge, skills and understanding
  • Where the curriculum meets the needs and interests of all children
  • Where resources are deployed effectively to support the learning for all children

4.Leadership & Management

We aim to create a school:

  • Which has excellent Leadership and Management
  • Which creates leaders at all levels
  • Which communicates effectively with all stakeholders
  • Where staff are committed to their own learning journey and the sharing of quality practice
  • Which provides training/career profession for all staff

5. What Makes Marlborough Primary School Special?

We aim to create a school which will:

  • Have the children at the heart of everything we do
  • Foster a sense of belonging
  • Where all stakeholders views, opinions and ideas are heard
  • Allow children to make mistakes so they can grow and learn from them
  • Provide children with the opportunities to flourish
  • Value children’s love for music, sport, art and drama
  • Encourage staff, parents and the local community to work together as a team
  • Embrace technology
  • Provide a range of experiences through educational visits and visitors