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Marlborough Primary School

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Physical Education

We place great value on the physical and mental wellbeing of our pupils: we intend for them to discover and develop freedom of play, to be physically active and to have a sense of physical identity. Our aim is for pupils to apply and show excellence in listening, observing, questioning and reflection skills and to develop attitudes, positive dispositions, physical skilfulness, decision making and good physical condition. Using the ‘Complete PE’ scheme, we provide a clear progression of teaching to enable all pupils to tackle tasks of increasing complexity and technical difficulty as they progress from Reception to Year 6.

Association for Physical Education (afPE)

We subscribe to the Association for Physical Education (afPE) because they are committed to being the representative agency of choice for people delivering physical education, school sport and physical activity in schools.

They develop physical education related policies and related statements, respond to consultations, provide resources, outstanding professional learning across the sector, meet with representatives from partner organisations and political representatives, and promote the subject in a variety of forums. They promote and maintain high standards in safe practice in all aspects and at all levels of physical education, school sport and physical activity and influence developments at national and local levels that will impact on pupils’ physical health and emotional well-being.                                                       


 PE Overview

PE Progression through the years